Self-sabotage, chronic depression, and blocked emotions can be symptoms of a spirit attachment

Self-sabotage, chronic depression, and blocked emotions can be symptoms of a spirit attachment

releasing the spirits that bind you

Though uncommon, possession by spirits, energies, or entities has always been part of the human experience. Our world is full of spiritual energies that for one reason or another feel they need to participate in the living realm.  

Being possessed is not always dramatic and can appear on many levels. It can simply be some energy has attached itself to you and blocks your ability to fully feel the world. Sometimes it shows up as bad luck, like being unable to get your efforts moving. Or it may take some of your energy away or keep you from being yourself.

Less often, possession can be more dramatic with dark or malevolent entities that frighten, torment, or cause physical harm such as grabbing or choking. 

causes of possession

Possession can happen due to trauma that has left an opening, a weak spot in your being.  It can be caused by those who have passed, even family members, attaching themselves to you out of their unfinished business or confusion about what they need to do. It can be caused by a curse, or by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Some people become possessed by trying to engage with sacred plants or sacred sites without proper preparation, or by "calling spirits in" when one does not truly know or have the capability of working with them. Good intentions are not always enough protection and mischievous entities can take advantage of one's openness.

Depossession treatments can bring great relief and also bring changes to one's life as one is freed of these limiting entities. Read about some of my clients' experiences here.